Masthead header ~ part 2

I’m glad that you all came back to read about Part 2 of my session with Kelly.  As I mentioned before, I feel that there are several ways to bring out your inner diva.  I’m hoping that you understand my vision a bit better by the end of my blog.

When Paul, my husband, took us out to do some sightseeing at Rainbow Basin I had no idea that I would find so much inspiration.  As the kids were exploring the area with Paul I was taking pictures of locations.  As we continued our drive through the area I could see different scenarios and my mind was quickly flooded with ideas for this type of session.

I had already met Kelly by this point and when she asked if I had ever done Boudoir photography I knew I had my model.  I soon found out that when she is at home she likes to wear her self-torn t-shirts and rolled up sweats.  Once I saw her in this attire I knew what I wanted to do and quickly started planning.

I explained to Kelly and some of our friends that I wanted to go to the mountains and lay out a white down comforter with wine and a few other items with Kelly in her comfy clothes.  They looked at me like I was crazy.  Do you think I was crazy?

The socks were an added bonus.

A day before the shoot I decided to add THE BOOK.  She hasn’t read it yet and I’m pretty sure that it was better that way because when I had her open it to the middle and start reading, well, you can imagine what her reaction was and I was able to get some great shots.  She had obviously opened it to a very interesting part of the story.

If you’ve read the book you know the significance of this image.

Before we left her house I ran up and grabbed these great shoes I had seen in her closet and one of her hubby’s shirts along with her robe.  You never know when inspiration will hit.   I wasn’t quite sure we would use the robe but once the sun started to set…

Beautiful lady bathed in beautiful light.

We ended the session with a shot that I knew I had to get and this outfit was perfect.  Of course this is also when a truck drove by with an elderly couple staring and surely trying to figure out exactly what we were doing.  I can only imagine the conversation they had as they continued their drive.

She’s got legs…


Originally this was a 2 part session but thanks to Mother Nature we have one more to go.  I hope that this conveys to you why this session package means so much to me.  I love that it lets you release your inhibitions while   building your confidence and self-esteem.

To find out more about and my other session packages just hover over the savings through spending link on the menu and click on sessions.

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