It took some time but with stubborn determination I figured out how to load the galleries. I’m just glad that the monitor didn’t end up thrown against the wall because there were times that it’s all I wanted to do to regain my sanity. With my sanity in tact I can now move on to other aspects of my photography business. I have spent several months learning from the very talented Rachel Brenke through her workshops. I couldn’t have asked for a better mentor to help me become the photographer that is inside of me. Her workshops are an invaluable resource for everyone. I feel that I am able to relate to her because she too is an Army spouse. She experiences the same things I do with multiliple moves and having to build a new client base.
On the other side of everything is my new branding. I have spent the last few years learning and trying to figure out who I am. I have gone through several logos & watermarks with nothing quite grabbing me. I decided, right before we moved from Texas to California, that it was time to get some assistance.
This is where Tiffany from On the Spot Studio comes into the fray. I was introduced to Tiffany by Rachel through Facebook. I tend to be very indecisive and when she asked what I liked I’m sure she was banging her head against a brick wall with my answer. “I like loops, swirls, polka dots, & squigglies.” That was the answer for the font & design style. I had to give her color choices as well. “I like neutrals but sometimes I tend to go toward jewel tones and pastels…” You can see where I am going with this and why I so desperately needed to out source. She nailed it!! Somehow she managed to find who I am as a photographer by looking at my site and reading my loopy questionairre answers. Thanks to her I have my own distinct brand.
Like I mentioned, I have been busy getting it all done. I have love sharing my calling with everyone. It may have taken me a bit longer than most to find myself but I never gave up and here I am, Melinda, photographer, ready to capture your inner spirit on for future generations.